
MapWindow 5 - a Fast and Furious GeoInfoSystem for All of us, Finally ! It was time !

MapWindow 5    vs   QuantumGIS  2.0.16   redraw time with a BIG  SHP ,  with 800k  records.

MapWindow 5    vs   QuantumGIS  2.0.16  open Atrribute Table ,  with 800k  records.

MapWindow 5  is a GeoInfoSystem  program   Open Source  and Free.

To kow more about MapWindow 5, take a look at its web site page:   http://mapwindow.com/


But, over all, download it and test it.   :)   from here:


I am sure, after your test, you will change your default current Open Gis.   ;) 

Some word about updating.   MapWindow 5 has an updating mechanism when exit.  In fact, quitting MapWindow 5,  if a new version is present on server, a panel appears, that alerts the user that is being downloaded a new version. Then, install the new begins, with no effort from the user. A good world :)

Do you remember the "minidump" panel on exit of a famous other gis?   Well, forget it !   

And Take note:  MapWindow 5  does not contain any palm oil !   ;)

About, programming  MapWindow 5 :   it is written in DotNet.    Sure, this will will turn up their nose to  
C ++ programmers.  But, really  DotNet is changing, from  "hateful and closed"   to  "nice and open"  :)
About this, look at this:  https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet 

This is a short video that shows how to start programming MapWindow 5.

Furthermore,  I have  MapWindow 5  successfully running on my MacOSX.    So, who cares of what language it uses ?   I have another kind of dislikes, much more human, lately.  :)


To finish, I show you the video presentation of previous MapWindow version, where Dan Ames, project manager of MapWindow, explains the program and its possibilities.  Good vision  :)

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